Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bronte Parsonage

The Bronte Parsonage is a museum (their old home actually) dedicated to Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte. In case you don't know who they are, the Bronte sisters were 19th writers in West Yorkshire. Charlotte is best known for writing Jane Eyre, Emily for writing Wuthering Heights, and Anne for writing Agnes Grey. So yes, they are kind of a big deal. ;)

and the best part--it finally rained! I was told that it rains 12 months out of the year in London, so I brought rain boots and a rain coat and everything, but I have yet to see a drop of water in London. Oh well, here in the North there was plenty of rain!
and the totally awesome cemetery--I have a strange thing for cemeteries, they are so beautiful and peaceful.

Look at how green it is here! It's SOOOO beautiful!
as we were returning to the bus Rachel cried out to me--"Don't step on him!" On what? I looked down and this is what I saw:
Rachel thought it was CUTE--cute??? Can you believe that? It was one of the biggest slugs I have ever seen--yuck.

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